The fall feels like the time of year everyone works on their resumes. Along with the changing New England leaves and pumpkin spice lattes, current and prospective law students...
“It is not down on any map; true places never are.”― Herman Melville, Moby Dick A little more than four years ago, I found myself in the producer’s chair, attempting to put to...
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say this, but my early interest with the law stemmed from my fascination with true crime. Two questions recurred in my mind: What drives someone ...
There are numerous roads to law school, and no one-size fits all path to a successful legal career. Follow along with our new series highlighting BC Law students and how they ...
Today, law students are primarily sculpted in classrooms, with the chances for out-of-class experience strewn throughout summer work, school clinics, and externships. But beco...
I’ve never quite belonged in law school. I was told when I started the application process – and many times since – that I’m a ‘non-traditional’ student, which seemed mainly t...
The fall feels like the time of year everyone works on their resumes. Along with the changing New England leaves and pumpkin spice lattes, current and prospective law students...
“It is not down on any map; true places never are.”― Herman Melville, Moby Dick A little more than four years ago, I found myself in the producer’s chair, attempting to put to...
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say this, but my early interest with the law stemmed from my fascination with true crime. Two questions recurred in my mind: What drives someone ...