Research Experience

In today’s fast moving environment of scientific breakthrough and innovation, the modern STEM student needs more than just book-smarts, they need hands-on experience with research. The type of experiences that yield a fully formed young investigator who is competent in hypothesizing, designing and trouble-shooting experimental studies. Importantly, once data are obtained, the scientist must be able to effectively interpret the results and communicate them in a way that moves the entire field forward. Research experience also connects our undergraduates to a larger scientific community, one including graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and research professionals.  

The Biology department at Boston College offers undergraduates the opportunity to fully participate in research activities through Advanced Lab Courses, research in a faculty lab, or off-campus research. 

Research for Credit

Undergraduate research is worth 3 credits, can take place on or off campus, and requires the permission of the supervising faculty member. Typically, students begin pursuing research during the fall semester of their Junior year and continue through the spring semester of their Senior year. A truly useful research experience will often require a minimum of 15 hours/week, and some faculty will require students to work in the lab over the summer. The time commitment may increase as the student assumes more responsibility for designing experiments and generating data. Two semesters of undergraduate research for credit may be substituted for one Biology advanced elective, with permission from the Biology Department.

Undergraduate students have multiple opportunities to become involved in research: Advanced Lab Courses, research in a faculty lab, or off-campus research. For more information about these opportunities please see below.

Once an opportunity has been found by a student, the student must bring the Undergraduate Research Contract Form to the Biology Department for approval either before or during the course registration period. 

**Note that paid positions, both on and off-campus, do not count towards university credit. 

Undergraduate Research Day

Research Opportunities

For on-campus research, students will need to make contact with an individual faculty member who will agree to supervise you in his or her laboratory. To find a faculty member, look at their research activities and see if you are drawn to specific areas of interest. You can contact professors, visit their labs, and talk to your peers to help make your decision. As a special honor, students can be selected by professors to serve as a paid Undergraduate Research Fellow. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of the many research opportunities that are available off-campus in biomedical institutions around the Boston area.

Once an opportunity has been found by a student, the student must bring the Undergrad Research Contract Form to the Biology Department for approval either before or during the course registration period. 

Note that paid positions, both on and off-campus, do not count towards university credit. 

Senior Thesis Program

Students working in a faculty laboratory who wish to write a thesis may sign up for Biology Senior Thesis, with support and approval of their laboratory advisor.

  • The decision will be at the discretion of the faculty research adviser and there is no minimal GPA requirement.
  • The decision or intent should be made early in senior year; the student will sign up for the Biology Senior Thesis Research (BIOL4962) in their final semester.
  • All Senior Theses must be turned into the Department by the last day of classes to receive credit for the Senior Thesis course.
  • The Department will prepare format guidelines and a timeframe for completing the thesis by the semester deadline.
  • All students completing a Senior Thesis will be recognized at Undergraduate Research Day.
  • Theses completed and turned in by the designated deadline will be considered for the Balkema Prize, judged by a faculty committee to be “Best Senior Thesis”

Students participating in the Senior Thesis Program may also be eligible to apply for the Scholar of the College Program. Students who are accepted in this program will register for a six-credit Advanced Independent Research course (BIOL 4921) each semester of their senior year.