Day: Tuesday, Jan. 19
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Maternal Caregiver Typologies and Adverse Community Exposures in African American Adolescents Living in Urban Public Housing
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Margaret Lombe
Day: Tuesday, Jan. 19
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Understanding the Experiences of Graduate Students Under the Coronavirus Quarantine. A Case Study to Understand Successful Coping Strategies and Resources
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student Juan Pablo Sanchez King
Day: Tuesday, Jan. 19
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Public Child Welfare Worker Safety Perceptions, Turnover, and Retention
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral candidate Kim Hokanson
Day: Tuesday, Jan. 19
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Mechanisms of Community Control: Informal Social Control and the Activation of Formal Systems of Community Control
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student Josh Lown
Day: Tuesday, Jan. 19
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Examining Determinants and Trends in Prevalence of Child Marriage within the Context of Social and Economic Disparities in India
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student Pooja Paul and professor Shanta Pandey
Day: Tuesday, Jan. 19
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Disparities in Maternal Health Service Utilization and the Role of Community Health Worker in India
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student Pooja Paul and professor Shanta Pandey
Day: Tuesday, Jan. 19
Type of presentation: Poster
Title of project: Community Level Factors That Aid and Limit Adjustment to the US for Unaccompanied Immigrant Children
BCSSW contributors: Kerri Evans, PhD’20; associate professor Thomas Crea; and assistant professor Samatha Teixeira
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Adoption of Clean Cooking Systems in Rural Poor Communities of India: Role of Gender Based Personal Networks
BCSSW contributors: Dean Gautam N. Yadama and assistant professor Praveen Kumar
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Adoption of Clean Cooking Systems in Rural Poor Communities of India: Role of Gender Based Personal Networks
BCSSW contributors: Dean Gautam N. Yadama and assistant professor Praveen Kumar
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Educational Challenges and Promising Practices for Unaccompanied Immigrant Students in US Schools
BCSSW contributors: Kerri Evans, PhD’20; associate professor Thomas Crea; and doctoral candidate Sarah Neville
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Roundtable
Title of project: The Limits of Critique and the Development of Emancipatory Social Work Praxis
BCSSW contributors: Dale Dagar Maglalang, PhD’20, and doctoral students Josh Lown and Smitha Rao
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Childhood Adversities, Midlife Health, and Elder Abuse: Use of Cumulative Disadvantage Theory to Understand Late Life Victimization
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Scott Easton
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Predictors of Mental Health Outcomes Among Public Sector Social Workers in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Scott Easton and doctoral student Leila Dal Santo
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Roundtable
Title of project: Orphaned & Vulnerable Children: What Is the Role of Intercountry Adoption in the 21st Century?
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral candidate Sarah Neville
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Roundtable
Title of project: System Dynamics in Social Work: Entry Points for Integration into Research and Practice
BCSSW contributors: Kelsey Werner, director of social and community-based systems modeling, and assistant professor Cal Halvorsen
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Inclusion, Race, and Turnover in Public Child Welfare
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral candidate Kim Hokanson
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Symposium
Title of project: Research with Latinx communities in Social Work: Challenges and Opportunities
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Rocío Calvo
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Venezuelan Walking Migrants ("Los Caminantes") in Colombia: Humanitarian Crisis, Shelter Development, and Divided Civil Society
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor María Piñeros-Leaño
Day: Wednesday, Jan. 20
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: A Feasibility Open Trial of Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depression Among Homebound Older Adults
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student Patrick Ho Lam Lai
Day: Thursday, Jan. 21
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Discrimination and Substance Misuse Among Filipinos in the Philippines
BCSSW contributors: Dale Dagar Maglalang, PhD’20
Day: Thursday, Jan. 21
Type of presentation: Symposium
Title of project: Using Home Visiting to Support Early Childhood Development in Rwanda: Moving the Sugira Muryango Family Strengthening Intervention from Effectiveness to Expansion
BCSSW contributors: Jordan Farrar, associate director of research; Shauna Murray, program manager; Sarah Jensen, post-doctoral fellow, Robert Brennan, senior analyst; and Theresa Betancourt, Salem Professor in Global Practice
Day: Thursday, Jan. 21
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: A Random Effect Model Predicting Nonsuicidal Self-Injury from Alcohol and Cannabis Use Among Adolescents Prior to Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral candidate Antonia Diaz-Valdes Iriarte
Day: Friday, Jan. 22
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Family Interventions Among Latinx Families: A Systematic Review
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Rocío Calvo, assistant professor María Piñeros-Leaño, and research assistant Laura Yao
Day: Friday, Jan. 22
Type of presentation: Roundtable
Title of project: Latinxs Thriving in Academia: Increasing Latinx Representation and Retention in Social Work Higher Education Programs
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Rocío Calvo and assistant professor María Piñeros-Leaño
Day: Friday, Jan. 22
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Impact of Contraceptive Coverage Policies on Adolescent Contraceptive Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student Pooja Paul and associate professor Summer Sherburne Hawkins
Day: Friday, Jan. 22
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Collective Efficacy and Its Effect on Witnessed Violence and Neighborhood Disorganization
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student Josh Lown