Summer Student Information

Summer Student Information

Career expo

We look forward to you joining our community!

New Student Orientation

New students are invited to attend an orientation session on the first day of summer classes. This orientation has been designed to provide you with an introduction to summer study at Boston College and an opportunity to meet other new students.  

Session II Orientation
Monday, June 24
12:45 p.m. - 2:15 p.m., Simboli 135
* New degree and certificate students are required to attend the orientation session.


Hybrid Student Retreat

Hybrid M.A. students are welcome to attend this retreat, which is an opportunity to pray, reflect, and connect with your fellow hybrid students. 
Friday June 20, 2025 - Sunday June 22, 2025
Free for hybrid students
Register by May 30


Social Media

Connect With Us

Getting Started

New students who plan to enroll in a CSTM degree program and would like the credits they are taking this summer to count toward their degree should consult the degree-specific policies regarding summer courses on the CSTM website before registering for courses.

Summer Registration begins Friday, February 25 at 9:00 a.m., (EST) for all CSTM students.  

All students must be registered for their class prior to the first class meeting. See Summer 2025 courses here.

For step-by-step instructions to register for a course in Eagle Apps please go to this link. You will need your BC credentials and also be connected to the BC VPN (if you are off campus) in order to access this website. You can find instructions to access the BC VPN here.  If you need assistance, please email Denee Kinnemore.

To access all resources for your summer course you MUST activate your BC Credentials.  Information on how to set up your BC Account was sent to you after you enrolled. NOTE: you will need to know your BC username and Eagle ID, which can be found on your admission portal.

Students with questions about how to access and/or use Canvas should contact the BC-LMS helpdesk for support.  They are available by email 24 hours a day and by text chat or phone Mon-Fri 9:00 pm to Midnight (Eastern US time). Contact information can be found here:

Course Degree Requirements

Activating Boston College Credentials: Every Boston College student, faculty, and staff member has a unique username that is assigned when you first become a member of the BC community. Your username is usually some variation of your last name. Most electronic services and resources restricted to the BC community, including email and Agora Portal, require authentication by entering your username and password.  For detailed information about activating your BC credentials and creating passwords, please follow this link:


Activating Boston College Email:  Boston College provides email services for all affiliated students, faculty ans staff (including part time and visiting faculty and staff). For detailed information on setting up your BC email address please follow this link:

IMPORTANT: Google will prompt you to set up 2-Step Verification. Don’t delay setting it up. You have 7 days after logging into your Gmail account to set up 2-Step Verification. If you don’t set it up within 7 days, you will be locked out of your account, and need to contact the BC ITS Help Center for assistance (617) 552-HELP (4357).

Given the brevity of these summer courses, it is essential that students come prepared to engage in learning the very first day. To facilitate this, each course has work to complete prior to the first day of class. This generally includes reading and often requires a written essay to be submitted before or on the first day of class.  

Pre-course work and first day of class assignments will be posted in the Canvas page for your class.

To access Canvas:
  • Go to
  • Enter your BC username
  • Enter your PRIMARY password
  • You can also access Canvas from your Agora Portal, in the first block named Academics and Courses


Activate BC Zoom Account

If you are taking an ONLINE SYNCHRONOUS class, please follow the directions found at the following link to activate and access your BC licensed Zoom account. This is the account you will use to interact with your class this summer.

Please note that all tuition charges must be paid prior to the first class.  You can pay your student account through your Agora Portal.

Payment by International Wire Transfer: Boston College has partnered with FLYWIRE to make international tuition payments.  For more information, please visit the Student Services website at:

ESTIMATED Course Costs:

COURSES FOR CREDIT ($1,318 per credit)

(3 credit courses)   1 course = $3,954

(2 credit courses)   1 course = $2,636

(1 credit courses)   1 course = $1,318

COURSES FOR AUDIT ($659 per audit)

(3 credit courses)   1 course = $1,977

(2 credit courses)   1 course = $1,318

(1 credit courses)   1 course = $659

ONLINE DROP/ADD: Drop/add for all 1-week, 2-week and 3-week courses must be done prior to the second class meeting. Drop/add for all 6-week courses must be completed by the sixth day after the course begins. Denee Kinnemore will be available before and after class during all sessions to process any drop/add requests. REFUNDS:  Students who withdraw from a course before the add/drop deadlines will receive a 100% refund. PLEASE NOTE: Refunds are not available after the posted add/drop deadlines.

Contextual Education is a requirement of the MATM and has two components. In a student'sfirst year they complete the 1 credit course "Introduction to Theological Reflection," which meetsmonthly across both fall and spring semesters. Residential students should register for TMPS7280.01 - Introduction to Theological Reflection (Campus). Hybrid students should registerfor TMPS 7280.02 - Introduction to Theological Reflection (Online). 

The second component is the "Contextual Education Internship." For full time students this isusually completed in the last full academic year of the degree program. The experiencecontinues across fall and spring semesters of the second year. It is composed of threeelements: work at a supervised ministry site; theological supervision; and participation in theclassroom component. The classroom component is synchronous for residential students andprimarily asynchronous online for those in the hybrid format. The establishment of internshipministry sites and supervisors must be done prior to the beginning of the experience. Therefore,in the spring semester prior, MATM students must meet one-on-one with Dr. Callid Keefe-Perry,Faculty Director for Contextual Education and Marcia Ryan, Associate Director of SupervisedMinistry. Once students have confirmed they will be enrolling in Contextual Education theyshould register for the appropriate course: residential students should register for TMPS8139.01 - Internship Reflection Group (Campus) and hybrid students for TMPS 8139.02 -Internship Reflection Group (Online).  Details about the process for enrolling are here.


Summer-only and hybrid M.A. degree students are required to register for Spiritual Formation for the Practice of Ministry.  In this one-credit formation process, students gather in small cohort groups for prayer and reflection on central themes of spirituality for ministry in order to cultivate practices for integrating faith, life, and ministry. The process consists of two parts: the weekly cohort and the creation of a personal spiritual formation plan, the components of which may be fulfilled throughout the duration of one’s degree program. Groups meet twice a week for three weeks in session two from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., under the guidance of a trained facilitator. The meeting dates are Tuesday, June 25, Thursday, June 27, Monday, July 1, Wednesday, July 3, Monday, July 8 and Thursday, July 11. The required Spiritual Formation syllabus and readings are available online. Graded on a pass/fail basis. NOTE: Master’s degree students who live locally and/or who also take courses in the academic year are required to take TMPS7080 in the academic year rather than the summer. Students with questions about this policy should contact Jacqueline Regan, Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Career Services at 617-552-6504 or 

Important Announcements

Residential Life

CSTM Continuing Education Events

Tuesday, July 22, 12:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Additional info TBA


Cynthis Bailey Manns, 
Sponsored by CSTM