
Courses from many departments are available to International Studies students. Because some of these courses have prerequisites and not all courses are offered every year, students are advised to carefully plan their program of study in consultation with their faculty advisor, our Peer Advisors, and/or our Director of Undergraduate Studies.

IS Core for Majors

Consult the “IS Core” tab of the “Pre-Approved IS Courses” spreadsheet for the most up-to-date information on IS core courses for majors.


  • All sophomore majors must enroll in both “Where on Earth” courses (INTL 2200 and INTL 2204 lecture+discussion) in the Fall semester, and “Introduction to International Relations” (INTL 2501 lecture+discussion) in the Spring semester.

  • Majors may take Principles of Economics and approved Comparative Politics and upper-level Economics courses in any semeser

  • Majors should take “Ethics, Religion, and International Politics” after returning from studying abroad, if they go abroad.

Conflict and Cooperation Concentration

Consult the Courses spreadsheet for the most up-to-date information on courses that are pre-approved for the C&C concentration in the IS major and minor. Students may petition the Director of Undergraduate Studies to consider courses that are not on this list toward their elective concentration.

Ethics and Social Justice Concentration

Consult the Courses spreadsheet for the most up-to-date information on courses that are pre-approved for the ESJ concentration in the IS major and minor. Students may petition the Director of Undergraduate Studies to consider courses that are not on this list toward their elective concentration.

Global Cultures Concentration

Consult the Courses spreadsheet for the most up-to-date information on courses that are pre-approved for the GC concentration in the IS major and minor.


  • Majors and minors who concentrate in Global Cultures should take only those electives that are pre-approved for their cluster ("Cultures at Work" or "Cultures and Social Movements"). 

  • Students can seek approval to count other courses—including courses from the other cluster—as electives by sending a course abstract and/or syllabus to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Prof. Nakazato) before the first week of that class (and ideally during registration period).   

Political Economy and Development Studies Concentration

Consult the Courses spreadsheet for the most up-to-date information on courses that are pre-approved for the PEDS concentration in the IS major and minor. 


  • Majors and minors who concentrate in Political Economy and Development Studies can take electives approved for EITHER the PE or DS cluster and count them for their own cluster. 

  • Students can seek approval to count other courses as electives by sending a course abstract and/or syllabus to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Prof. Nakazato) before the first week of that class (and ideally during registration period).   

Senior Seminars and Thesis

2024–25 Academic Year

Senior Thesis

Senior Thesis writers enroll in INTL4951 (Prof. Hiroshi Nakazato). Your first semester of INTL4952 will count as an elective in your concentration; the second semester will fulfill your senior project requirement.

Senior Seminars (Fall 2024)


Senior Seminars (Spring 2025)

Summer Abroad