A week to raise awareness about sexual assault, rape, and intimate partner violence
Though matters of rape and sexual assault are issues that college students face throughout the year, the WC holds CARE Week during the spring semester of every year. Programming for the week focuses on raising awareness about sexual assault and intimate partner violence on and off campus.
Programs aim to educate students and provide resources about the following:
- The prevalence of sexual assault and rape on college campuses
- The definition of consent
- Ways to recognize and navigate unhealthy relationships
- How to support a friend who is a survivor of sexual assault
- Deconstructing the stigma associated with survivors of sexual assault
- How to be a proactive bystander
Throughout the week, students are informed about the on-campus resources available to them from SANet (Sexual Assault Network), Boston College Police Department, University Counseling Services, University Health Services, and the Women’s Center.

Care Week 2023 Agenda
Mass of Healing
8pm at St. Ignatius Church
Join us for a mass centered around healing as we pray for and uplift the voices of survivors. All collections for the day will go towards US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking.
Supporting Survivors Workshop
7-8pm in Stokes 295S
Claire Johnson Allen, LICSW and Caitlyn Spuckes will guide a conversation around how to. support survivors of sexual violence. Light refreshments will be provided.
DISH: Wraps & Relationships
6-7pm in Higgins 265
RSVP for the DISH dinner conversation around green flags in healthy relationships, using resources from One Love Foundation, Dinner from Gyro CIty provided!
Take Back the Night
5-6:30pm on O'Neill Plaza
TBTN is an annual evening dedicated to uplifting the voices of survivors, and committing to ending sexual violence. We will gather together, and hear from those in our community,
(Self) Care Week Drop-in
11-2pm in Maloney. 441
Come to the WC to relax, enjoy a treat, get to know our Sexual Assault Network Hotline advocates, and learn about our space during a casual drop in. Refreshments provided!
Creative Healing at the Hatchery
4-6pm in the Hatchery (245 Beacon)
RSVP and unwind by getting your creativity flowing! In a mindful space, the Hatchery will offer candle making, tote bag designing, button pressing, and more.
After attending one or more CARE Week activities students will be better able to:
- Create a community of support for sexual assault survivors, which fosters empathy, encourages advocacy, and is conscious of individual potential to positively impact the community.
- Interpret cultural messages and systems that condone and perpetuate sexual violence.
- Know and apply BC resources in a given situation for oneself and peers.
- Indicate increased awareness of how sexual violence operates among different racial and ethnic communities.
- Recognize and intervene in different forms of sexual assault.
- Educate peers regarding sexual violence.