Email: haskin@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0003-4647-8993
Specializes in seventeenth-century literature, Milton, Donne, and comparative literature. He is currently writing a book about how the study of literature in English came to be a respectable academic subject in U.S. colleges. Working title: The English Major: An Origin Story.
"Shakespeare, Milton, and the Humanities at MIT in its Foundational Period." Explorations in Renaissance Culture. 43 (2017): 1-29.
John Donne in the Nineteenth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Milton's Burden of Interpretation, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.
"The Works of Wm. Shakespeare as They were Sundry Times Professed in Harvard College." Shakespearean Educations: Power, Citizenship, and Performance. Ed. Coppélia Kahn and Heather Nathans. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2011. 175-201.
"George Eliot as a ‘Miltonist’: Marriage and Milton in Middlemarch." Milton and Gender. Ed. Catherine Gimelli Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 207-22.
"No Edition Is an Island: The Place of the Nineteenth-Century American Editions within the History of Editing Donne’s Poetry." Text: An Interdisciplinary Annual of Textual Studies 14 (2002): 169-207. Winner of the Boydston Essay Prize and of the John Donne Society Award for Distinguished Publication.
"When Performance Is at Odds with Narrative:The Designated Mourner as Wallace Shawn's Wager on John Donne." Narrative[special issue on performance theory] 8 (2000): 182-209.
Professional Honors and Awards
Guggenheim Fellow
President of the John Donne Society, 1994-95
President of the Milton Society of America, 1996-97
Modern Language Association Division on Religion and Literature (chair, 2002-2004)
John Donne Society Distinguished Service Award, 2010
Advisory Boards:
The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne
The John Donne Journal
Writing Awards
The James Holly Hanford Prize (for Milton's Burden of Interpretation)
The John Donne Society Distinguished Book Award
(for John Donne in the Nineteenth Century)
The John Donne Society Award for Distinguished Publication, 1989; 2002
The Boydston Essay Prize, 2003
Teaching Award
Boston College Distinguished Teaching Award, 2000
John Donne in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Milton's Burden of Interpretation. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994
The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, Vol. 4, The Songs and Sonnets, gen. ed. Gary A. Stringer, Part 1: General and Topical Commentary. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017; Part 2: Text, Commentary, Notes, and Glosses, 2021; Part 3: Text, Commentary, Notes, and Glosses, 2022.
"Colloquium: 'Upon the translation of the Psalmes by Sir Philip Sydney, and the Countesse of Pembroke his Sister," John Donne Journal 27 (2008): 145-211. With an Introduction by D. Haskin.
“How John Milton Was Lodged in the Curricula of U.S. Colleges after the Civil War.” Milton Studies: Milton in the Americas, 58 (2017): 223-44.
“Religion and the Rise of English Studies.” The Routledge Companion to Literature and Religion. Ed. Mark Knight. London: Routledge, 2016. 27-37.
“John Donne and Ignatian Spirituality.” The Hilda Hulme Memorial Lecture, 2014, Institute of English Studies, London University.
"The Works of Wm. Shakespeare as They were Sundry Times Professed in Harvard College." Shakespearean Educations: Power, Citizenship, and Performance. Ed. Coppélia Kahnand Heather Nathans. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2011. 175-201.
"The Love Lyric." The Oxford Handbook of John Donne. Ed. Jeanne Shami et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. 180-205.
"Donne's Afterlife." The Cambridge Companion to John Donne. Ed. Achsah Guibbory. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 2006. 233-46.
"George Eliot as a ‘Miltonist’: Marriage and Milton in Middlemarch." Milton and Gender. Ed. Catherine Gimelli Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 207-22.
"No Edition Is an Island: The Place of the Nineteenth - Century American Editions within the History of Editing Donne’s Poetry." Text: An Interdisciplinary Annual of Textual Studies 14 (2002): 169-207. Winner of the Boydston Essay Prize and of the John Donne Society Award for Distinguished Publication.
"Is There a Future for Donne's 'Litany'?" John Donne Journal 21 (2002 [published in 2004]): 51-88.
"When Performance Is at Odds with Narrative: The Designated Mourner as Wallace Shawn's Wager on John Donne." Narrative [special issue on performance theory] 8 (2000): 182-209.
"'The Sun Rising' Impudently Donne." John Donne Journal 20 (2001 [published in 2002]): 281-87.
“Coleridge’s Marginalia on the Seventeenth-Century Divines and the Perusal of Our Elder Writers.” John Donne Journal 19 (2000): 311-37.
"Teaching the Bible as Background to English Literature," The Allen Review no. 17 (Hilary Term, 1997): 25-28.
"On Trying to Make the Record Speak More about Donne's Love Poems." John Donne's "desire of more": The Subject of Anne More Donne in His Poetry. Ed. M. Thomas Hester. Newark, Delaware: Univ. of Delaware Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1996. 39-65.
"Bibliography Supplementing John Bunyan: A Reference Guide." The Recorder: A Publication of the John Bunyan Society 2: 2 (Winter, 1995): 9-16.
"Choosing the Better Part with Mary and with Ruth." Of Poetry and Politics: New Essays on Milton and His World. Ed. Paul G. Stanwood. Binghampton, NY: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1995. 153-69.
"Tracing a Genealogy of 'Talent': The Descent of Matthew 25: 14-30 into Contemporary Philanthropical Discourse." Wealth in Western Thought: The Case For and Against Riches. Ed. Paul G. Schervish. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1994. 65-102.
"A History of Donne's 'Canonization' from Izaak Walton to Cleanth Brooks." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 92 (1993): 17-36.
"John Donne and the Cultural Contradictions of Christmas." John Donne Journal 11 (1992 [published in 1995]): 133-57.
"Hardy's Milton, Once More," Thomas Hardy Journal 6: 3 (Oct., 1990): 71-72. [With Dennis Taylor.]
"New Historical Contexts for Appraising the Donne Revival from A. B. Grosart to Charles Eliot Norton." ELH: Journal of English Literary History 56 (1989): 869-95. Winner of the John Donne Society Award for Distinguished Publication.
"Bunyan's Scriptural Acts." Bunyan in Our Time. Ed. Robert G. Collmer. Kent, Ohio: Kent State Univ. Press, 1989. 61-92, 205-09.
"Milton's Portrait of Mary as a Bearer of the Word." Milton and the Idea of Woman. Ed. Julia M. Walker. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1988. 169-84.
"Matthew, Mary, Luke, and John: The Mother of the Word in Milton's Poetry." Proceedings of the Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference 10 (1986): 75-86.
"Reading Donne's Songs and Sonnets in the Nineteenth Century." John Donne Journal 4 (1985): 225-52.
"Samson Agonistes on the Stage at Yale." Milton Quarterly 19 (1985): 48-53."
The Pilgrim's Progress in the Context of Bunyan's Dialogue with the Radicals." Harvard Theological Review 77 (1984): 73-94.
"The Burden of Interpretation in The Pilgrim's Progress." Studies in Philology 79 (1982): 256-78.
Reprinted in The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism: The Critical Perspective, Vol. 4: Restoration--Early Georgian. Gen. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. 1973-81.
"Bunyan, Luther, and the Struggle with Belatedness in Grace Abounding." University of Toronto Quarterly 50 (1981): 300-13.
"Studies in the Poetry of Vision: Spenser, Milton, and Winstanley." Thought 56 (1981): 226-40.
"Baxter's Quest for Origins: Novelty and Originality in the Autobiography." The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 21 (1980): 145-61.
"Visionary Experience in Spenser." Thought 54 (1979): 365-75.
"Paradise Regained Adapted for the Stage." Milton Quarterly 13 (1979): 30-32. [With Mary Anne Haskin.]
"Mercy and the Creative Process in Measure for Measure." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 19 (1977): 348-62.
"Milton's Strange Pantheon: The Apparent Tritheism of the De Doctrina Christiana. "Heythrop Journal 16 (1975): 129-48.
"English Bards and a Scottish Previewer: David Hume." New Blackfriars 55 (1974): 33-42.
"The Continuity of Faith: Recorded Experience and Creative Tradition." The Way 14 (1974): 92-102.
"The Ontological Argument and Theological Education." New Blackfriars 54 (1973): 148-56.
"Food, Clothing, and Kingship in Havelok the Dane." American Benedictine Review 24 (1973): 204-13.
"Awakening Moral Conscience: Trollope as Teacher in The Warden." Cithara 13 (1973): 42-52.
"Pardon as a Weapon Against Time in Shakespeare's Sonnets." Xavier University Studies 11.3 (1972): 27-37.
"Divorce as a Path to Union with God in Samson Agonistes." ELH: Journal of English Literary History 33 (1971): 358-76.
Erik Gray, Milton and the Victorians (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2009), Modern Philology, 110.2 (2012): 119-22.
George Herbert, The English Poems, ed. Helen Wilcox (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), Religion and the Arts 14 (2010): 353-54.
William H. Gass and Lorin Cuoco, eds., The Writer and Religion (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2000), Modern Language Review, 97.4 (2002): 926-27.
Stella P. Revard, Milton and the Tangles of Neaera's Hair: The Making of the 1645 Poems (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1997), Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 98.3 (1999): 460-63.
Elizabeth Sauer, Barbarous Dissonance and Images of Voice in Milton's Epics (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 1996), Renaissance and Reformation, 21.4 (Fall, 1997): 86-88.
Anthony Low, The Reinvention of Love: Poetry, Politics and Culture from Sidney to Milton (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993), Journal of English and Germanic Philology 95 (1996): 243-6.
Jason P. Rosenblatt, Torah and Law in Paradise Lost (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1994). Theological Studies 56 (1995): 193-94.
John S. Tanner, Anxiety in Eden: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Paradise Lost (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1992). Comparative Literature Studies, 32 (1995): 62-65.
David Loewenstein and James Grantham Turner, eds. Politics, Poetics and Hermeneutics in Milton's Prose (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990). Heythrop Journal 34 (1993): 116-17.
Margaret P. Hannay, Philip's Phoenix: Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1990). Heythrop Journal 34 (1993): 229-30.
Regina M. Schwartz, Remembering and Repeating: Biblical Creation in Paradise Lost (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988). Journal of English and Germanic Philology 90 (1991): 128-30.
Jonquil Bevan, Izaak Walton's The Compleat Angler: The Art of Recreation (New York: St. Martin's, 1988). South Central Review 8 (1991): 74-76.
Beatrice Batson, John Bunyan's "Grace Abounding" and "The Pilgrim's Progress": An Overview of Literary Studies, 1960-1987 (New York: Garland, 1988). Modern Philology 88 (1990-91): 84-86.
Marshall Grossman, "Authors to the Themselves": Milton and the Revelation of History (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987). Journal of English and Germanic Philology 89 (1990): 124-27.
N. H. Keeble, ed. John Bunyan: Conventicle and Parnassus. Tercentenary Essays (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988). Journal of Ecclesiastical History 41 (1990): 170-71.
Mason I. Lowance, Jr., The Language of Canaan: Metaphor and Symbol in New England from the Puritans to the Transcendentalists (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1980). Heythrop Journal 23 (1982): 456-58.
Barbara Kiefer Lewalski, Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth-Century Religious Lyric (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1979). Heythrop Journal 22 (1981): 91-93.
Milton Studies XI: The Presence of Milton, ed. B. Rajan (Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1979). Thought 54 (1979): 222-23.
Christopher Hill, Milton and the English Revolution (New York: Viking, 1978). Thought 53 (1978): 461-63.
Ian Gregor and Walter Stein, eds., The Prose for God: Religious and Anti-religious Aspects of Imaginative Literature (London: Sheed & Ward, 1973). Heythrop Journal 16 (1975): 216-18.
Peter Levi, The English Bible, 1534-1859 (London: Constable, 1974). Heythrop Journal 16 (1975): 334-36.
Complete Prose Works of John Milton: Volume 6: Christian Doctrine, edited with an introduction by Maurice Kelley; trans. John Carey (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1973). Heythrop Journal 15 (1974): 342-44.