Day: Thursday, Jan. 13
Type of presentation: Workshop
Title of project: How to Prepare Social Workers for Emancipatory and Meaningful Research? Neuroscientific Principles to Unleash Brain Potential
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Jessica M. Black and doctoral student Ricardo Diego Suárez Rojas
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: Special interest group meeting
Title of project: Latinx-Focused Research
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Rocío Calvo
Type of presentation: Special interest group meeting
Title of project: Advancing Long and Productive Lives (Grand Challenge)
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Cal Halvorsen
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: Special interest group meeting
Title of project: Create Social Responses to a Changing Environment (Grand Challenge)
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Praveen Kumar
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project: Impact of Fracking on Birth Outcomes Across the US
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Summer Sherburne Hawkins
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Youth Who Have Lived in out-of-Home Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploratory, Comparative Analyses of Nationally-Representative Data
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral candidate Sarah Neville and professor Thomas Crea
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project : Psychological Distress and Sleep Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Filipinx Americans
BCSSW contributors: Dale Dagar Maglalang, PhD’21
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Child Abuse and Neglect and Child Protection in the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A Scoping Review
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral candidate Sarah Neville and reference and instruction librarian Adam Williams
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: Symposium
Title of project: Randomized Controlled Trial Testing Brief Parenting Education Programs Designed to Promote Positive Parenting
BCSSW contributors: Professor Catherine A. Taylor
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project: SNAP and Hardship in Households with Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Vincent Fusaro
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project: Pain, Fatigue and Headaches: Long-Term Patterns of Somatic Symptoms Among Men with and without Histories of Child Sexual Abuse
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Scott Easton
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Experiences and Unmet Needs of Informal Caregivers for Black Breast Cancer Patients
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Robert O. Motley Jr.
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project: Associations between Exposure to Police Violence (warranted or unwarranted), Perceptions of Police Legitimacy, and Personal Safety Interventions Among Black Emerging Adults
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Robert O. Motley Jr.
Day: Friday, Jan. 14
Type of presentation: Workshop
Title of project : Examining Additive Interaction of Risk Factors on Binary Dependent Variables to Address Racial, Social and Political Justice in Cross-Cultural Social Work Research
BCSSW contributors: Professor Tranh Tran and Thuc-Nhi Nguyen, PhD’15.
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: Symposium
Title of project: From Exclusion to Inclusion: Un-erasing Asian identities and dismantling systemic racism through Praxis
BCSSW contributors: Dean Gautam N. Yadama
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: Special interest group meeting
Title of project: Policy Research, and Social Work
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Vincent Fusaro
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: Special interest group meeting
Title of project: Grand Challenge to Eradicate Social Isolation
BCSSW contributors: Associate professor Erika Sabbath
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project: Research on Doctoral Social Work Education: Improving Curriculum through Equity Justice and Inclusion Frameworks
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Samuel Bradley Jr.
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project: Residential Black Fathers’ Engagement as a Protective Mechanism for Sexual Outcomes Among Black Adolescent Females
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Tyrone M. Parchment
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project: Assessing the Socio-Ecological Factors That Influence Failure to Thrive in Children within the First 1000 Days of Life: Implications for Racial, Economic Equality, and Child Well-Being
BCSSW contributors: Dale Dagar Maglalang, PhD’20, and doctoral candidate Juan Pablo Sanchez King
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project : The Use of Hallucinogens in the United States: Prevalence, Correlates, and a Typology of Use
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student James Hodges and professor Christopher Salas-Wright
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project : “I Need to Work for My Children Because If I Give up, What about Their Education?”: Job and Family Demands of Filipina Care Workers in the Informal Sector
BCSSW contributors: Dale Dagar Maglalang, PhD’21, professor Shanta Pandey, and associate professor Erika Sabbath
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project : Provider Perceptions of Structural and Individual Barriers Towards Mental Health Access Among Latinx Immigrants
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor María Piñeros-Leaño
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project : Development, Construct Validity, and Measurement Invariance of the Modified Classes of Racism Frequency of Racial Experiences Measure (M-CRFRE) to Capture Direct and Indirect Exposure to Perceived Racism-Based Police Use of Force for Black Emerging Adults
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Robert O. Motley Jr.
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project : Factors of Racial Self-Classification Among Ethnically Diverse Latinx Adults
BCSSW contributors: Victor Figuereo, PhD’20, associate professor Rocío Calvo, and Robert Rosales, PhD, ‘20
Day: Saturday, Jan. 15
Type of presentation: Roundtable
Title of project : Unprecedented Times for Research: Creating Space during Data Collection
BCSSW contributors: Abril Harris, PhD’21, Dale Dagar Maglalang, PhD’21, assistant professor Tyrone M. Parchment, and doctoral student Ty Tucker
Day: Sunday, Jan. 16
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project : Driving Under the Influence of Stimulants: Prevalence and Psychosocial Correlates
BCSSW contributors: Professor Christopher Salas-Wright, doctoral student James Hodges, and Manuel Cano, PhD’19
Day: Sunday, Jan. 16
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project : The Gaze of the Gatekeeper: Understanding the Effect's of Frontline Social Welfare Worker's Perceptions of Clients Who Engage in the Sex Trade
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student Josh Lown
Day: Sunday, Jan. 16
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project : COVID-19 and its Impact on Latinx Immigrant Communities
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor María Piñeros-Leaño
Day: Sunday, Jan. 16
Type of presentation: ePoster
Title of project : Show Me Who Your Friends Are: Adolescent Health Risk Behavior Outcomes By Proxy
BCSSW contributors: Doctoral student Ty Tucker
Day: Sunday, Jan. 16
Type of presentation: Oral presentation
Title of project : The Prevalence and Correlates of Exposure to Perceived Racism-Based Police Violence Among Black Emerging Adult Men and Women
BCSSW contributors: Assistant professor Robert O. Motley Jr.