Eric Grube

Visiting Assistant Professor



Publications & Presentations


“Casualties of War? Refining the Civilian-Military Dichotomy in World War I,” Madison Historical Review, Spring 2019, James Madison University (

Racist Limitations on Violence: The Nazi Occupation of Denmark,” Essays in History, Spring 2018, University of Virginia

“Historical Alternatives in the First World War: German Conceptualization, Creation, and Loss of its Central Europe,” The James Blair Historical Review, Spring 2014, The College of William & Mary


Zwei Brudervölker & Zwei Vaterländer: Austrofascist Resistance to Nazism,” German Studies Association Conference Panel: “Underneath the Enthusiasm: New Perspectives on Anschluss,” October 2020 (Virtual because of Covid-19)

“Casualties of War?  Refining the Civilian-Combatant Dichotomy in World War I,” 12th Annual Graduate History Symposium, University of Toronto, Spring 2016

“The Prussian Past & Nazi Geschichtspolitik: Frederick II’s Image in the Third Reich,” Graduate Student History Conference, North Carolina State University, Spring 2015

“The Nazi Führer and King Frederick: Nazi Appropriation of Frederick II’s Legacy,” New Frontiers Graduate History Conference, York University, Spring 2015

“One Volk, One Reich, Many Fredericks: The Portrayal of Frederick II in the Third Reich,” Undergraduate Research Symposium, The Center for Undergraduate Excellence, University of Virginia, Spring 2014


Grants, Fellowships, & Awards

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst STIPET-Scholarship Kontaktstipendium from Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Summer 2019

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst STIPET-Scholarship Kontaktstipendium from Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Winter 2018

Graduate Fellow, Clough Center for Study of Constitutional Democracy, Fall 2016-Spring 2017

Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award, Boston College Center for Teaching Excellence for Graduate Student Teaching, Spring 2020

Third Place Finalist for Humanities, Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Virginia Center for Undergraduate Excellence, Spring 2014

Echols Scholar, University of Virginia, Bestowed upon acceptance for exceptional application, Fall 2010-Spring 2014