Clough School of Theology and Ministry representatives at the Leadership Roundtable's 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

A group of students at Leadership Roundtable's 2024 Catholic Partnership Summit

From February 28 - March 1, Leadership Roundtable hosted their Catholic Partership Summit, this year focused on young adult leadership and co-responsibility in the Catholic Church. For the first time, young adults were invited as a central part of the gathering, with over 75 present for this critical conversation. Below, CSTM students reflect on their takeaways from the Summit, particularly around co-responsibility in the church.

Amanda Schar, M.A./M.S.W. '24

"I was surprised that what stuck with me the most from the Summit was perhaps the simplest message: young adults are already leaders in the church. I already knew this, of course, because I see it every day at CSTM. Young adults are co-responsible for planning our liturgies, keeping our school running, organizing the various ministries our students participate in. I am a young adult who is co-responsible for our academic and faith community and I work alongside many other young adults as well as with, as the Summit dubbed them, the "more seasoned adults" who make up our community. The model of co-responsibility is one I am already actively engaged in, but the reminder that it is already in place outside the confines of my small community somehow surprised me. It was a welcome reminder that the work I am engaged in now truly is a microcosm of the greater church and that I have what it takes, both now and in the future, to step into whatever role the Holy Spirit calls me to. I don't need to wait to be invited into co-leadership, I'm already in it."

Michael Songer, Hybrid M.A. '25

“Throughout the Summit, there was focus on co-responsibility, empowering lay individuals, religious, and clergy to work cooperatively and collaboratively to live out servant leadership in the Church, along with the emphasis that all are called to participation in the Church, including young adults. As a young adult in the Church, I was struck by the overwhelming invitation to participate as leaders, with voice, agency, and experience to be valued and celebrated. After reflection in our synodal style table conversations, it is clear that well-formed co-responsibility in the Church embraces an intergenerational approach to accompaniment and leadership, utilizing the wisdom, lived experience, and spirit of all in the Church."

Calista Robledo, M.Div. '26

"Last semester I took a course entitled "The Church," with Richard Lenan. In this class I learned that we, the entire people of God, are the Church. As a walking and talking Church we are called to engage with one another in a variety of ways. One way that I have been particularly interested in being Church is through the Synod of Synodality. In 2021, I participated in a Synodal listening session at a local parish. It was my first time voicing my thoughts and concerns about the Church. Before the synod, I didn't know I could do that. Now, participating in a synod-like conference with Leadership Roundtable felt full-circle. I listened to my table, deeply, as they shared their hopes, frustrations, and dreams for the church. I spoke wholeheartedly about my own experiences, triumphs, and trials. I was heard and affirmed, challenged and questioned, and I stood firm in my identity as a part of the people of God, actively participating in building this Church. "

Ethan Strouse, M.Div. '24

“The Catholic Partnership Summit will most stand out to me for the experience of engaging in synodal conversations around co-responsibility in the Catholic church. Although coming from numerous backgrounds and ministries, I was consistently inspired by the conversations we had at the Summit, which took seriously the challenges, joys, and possibilities of such a co-responsible way of being church. In this experience we lived out what a spirit of synodality can look and feel like by seeking to share, hear, and dream through the inspiration and care of the Holy Spirit. Going forward, I hope to hold onto this attentiveness to the Spirit by working to better see both success and struggle within the church and world through the light of the Spirit’s working in all we do."

Isabella Gonzalez-Garcia, M.Div. '26

"After returning from D.C., what I’ve been reflecting on is recognizing the power of collective action and the importance of active participation from all members of the Church, regardless of age, in addressing contemporary challenges and shaping the direction of young adults and our power within the church. It was truly life-giving to see so many humans pushing for a healthier church. I found it heartening to get to show some of the more seasoned members of the church how the Jesuit, one-minute homilies work on Instagram. "