How are students alerted of an emergency?

The Boston College Emergency Notification System sends out campus-wide emails and text messages to Boston College students, faculty, and staff as well as to the BC Safe Mobile App. Postings to websites and social media pages are used as well. To learn more about emergency notificaiton and how to receive alerts, visit the BC Emergency Communications Page.

What is the best way to stay informed during an emergency?

The Boston College Emergency website and the BC Safe Mobile App will be updated with messages, information, and instructions. There will also be information on the emergency on the Boston College Office of Emergency Management Facebook Page and Twitter Page, and the emergency information line can be reached at 1-888-BOS-COLL (1-888-267-2655). Due to the demand on resources during emergencies, BC Police will most likely be very occupied and therefore not able to answer non-emergency calls. Utilize the other emergency contacts at Boston College before the Boston College Police Department.


Are parents able to be added to the Boston College emergency notification system?

We do not include parents directlly in our emergency notification system. This is because the amount of additional text messages and emails necessary to send out would drastically slow down the response system. Despite this, we have many other outlets for parents/guardians to stay informed such as the website, a Facebook page and Twitter page which are updated frequently.   Parents can also download the BC Safe Mobile App, which receives alerts at the same time they are sent to students and staff.


What should a student or staff member do when they receive an emergency notification?

  • Follow directions given, if any, in the message.
  • Alert others around you.
  • Contact your family and friends to let them know you are safe
  • Go to for more detailed information


What are the most common emergencies on campus?

Although emergencies are a rarity at Boston College, in the past there have been experiences with winter storms, hazardous materials, fires, and various other events.  To learn more about what emergencies can impact the campus, visit the BC Potential Hazards Page.


What is the role of Boston College’s Office of Emergency Management?

Our goal is to promote a culture of preparedness on campus through outreach to our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Our website and other pages are to be used as a resource for emergency procedures, preparations, and other recommendations for everyday safety. We work with departments and groups across campus to develop emergency plans and procedures, educate and train members of the Boston College community about preparedness and test and exercise the emergency systems, procedures and plans of the University.

What is the most important thing I can do to plan effectively for an emergency?

Where should I go if I am told to evacuate?

Usually in instances where evacuation is necessary, students, faculty, staff and visitors will be directed to other large buildings on campus such as libraries or dining halls. It is a good idea to bring an Emergency Supply Kit with you. Visit the BC What to Do in an Emergency Page to learn about what to do in an evacuation.


What does Shelter in Place mean?

If a particular emergency occurs and the hazards are outdoors, there will be a request that the Boston College community Shelter In Place. This means to find and enter the nearest building, to stay indoors and away from windows and doors. It is important to remain indoors until an official gives a notification that it is safe to leave. More details on BC Shelter in Place.


What is the difference between a weather watch and weather warning?

A watch means conditions are right for dangerous weather. In other words, a "watch" means watch out for what the weather could do, be ready to act. This means that the storm is not yet happening, but that the weather could become severe quickly. A warning means that severe weather is already in the area and it is important to take shelter immediately.


What should be in an Emergency Supply Kit and where do I find these items?

Some basic necessities for an Emergency Supply Kit can be found on the BC Emergency Supply Kit Page. You can create your own kit by assembling these items together. These items can be found in grocery stores, pharmacies, camping stores, home center stores and big retail stores. Full supply kits can also be purchased, ranging from ten dollars to hundreds of dollars depending on the contents of the kit. You can find these at various retailers and online.

Emergency Supply kits should be kept in a dorm room, car, or place where it can be stored but easily accessed during an emergency. In a time of evacuation, it is important to take your kit with you!


What is a Family Communication Plan?

This is a way to stay in contact with family and friends during an emergency. Phones and the Internet may not always be accessible, so it is important to develop a plan of communication. Determine a single contact (usually a family member) outside of your area. Make sure friends and family know who this person is and how to contact them. If you are effected by an emergency, notify friends and family as soon as possible to let them know where you are/ how you are doing. If you cannot reach them, let your single contact person know.

Please visit the BC Family Communications Plan page for more details.

It is also a good idea to program an In Case of Emergency (ICE) contact phone number into your mobile phone in case first responders (EMS personnel, fire fighters, policemen, etc.) are trying to reach someone in your family.

You can also register as “Safe and Well” on the Red Cross website to let others in your family know that you are out of harm’s way.