Professor; Director, Latin American Studies
St. Mary's Hall 482S
Telephone: 617-552-2680
Email: ernesto.livon-grosman@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0003-2141-511X
Latin American film, poetics, and travel writing
Research Expense Grant, Boston College, 2012 and 2013
Arts and Science Research Grant, Boston College, 2011
Teaching, Advising and Mentoring Grant, Boston College, 2007
Social Science Research Council, Distinguished Lecturers Series, Curator and Speaker at the Cuba Program, Havana, Cuba, 2002
Cartoneros (documentary), received the following awards and distinctions: “Best Educational Film,” Tulipanes International Film Festival, Holland, Michigan, August 2007; "Best Green / Outdoors Film," Connecticut Film Festival, May 2007; and the "Enviromental Film Award," Tenth International Festival Cinema for Human Rights, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008.
The visual poem, Mensaje a la Humanidad (Roberto Cignoni: Message to Humanity) was a finalist in the Zebra Film Festival (category, "Focus Argentina"), Berlin, 2010, sponsored by the Goethe Institute.
Boston College Academic Technology Innovation Grant, 2008, 2009
The Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry: A Bilingual Anthology. Edited (with introductory essays) by Cecilia Vicuña and Ernesto Livon-Grosman. Oxford University Press, 2009.
José Lezama: The Oxford Lima Selections. Edited and with an Introduction by Ernesto Livon-Grosman. Berkeley: University of California Press, February, 2005.
Geografías imaginarias: el relato de viajes y la construcción del espacio patagónico. Buenos Aires: Beatriz Viterbo Editora. 2003; 2nd Ed. 2004.
The XUL Reader: An Anthology of Argentine Poetry 1980-1990. Editor and author of the introductory study. New York: Roof Books, 1997.
Charles Olson: Poemas (Translated by Ernesto Livon-Grosman and Jorge Santiago Perednik.) Buenos Aires: Tres Haches, 1997.
MADI (2016): a brief film about the constructivist movement that started in Argentina and Uruguay during the mid 1940s. Through a series of interviews with Carmelo Arden Quin, one of the founders of the movement, the film touches on the principles of MADI and explores the relationship between word and image in Arden Quin’s work.
INTERVIEW (2014): this interview with the experimental Argentine film director Alberto Salomón is an integral part of The Salomón Project dedicated to the preservation of Salomón’s work as a filmmaker. The project is also part of Ernesto Livon-Grosman’s larger research interest in preserving and making available the work of independent and amateur Latin American filmmakers.
Brascó (2013): documentary film presenting a history of political and cultural life in Argentina of the last fifty years through the eyes of one of the country's leading senior intellectuals, Miguel Brascó (1926-2014), poet, publisher and artist.
Message to Humanity (2007): a poetry performance that builds a narrative based on the abstract phonetic representation of different languages. The video extends this exploration through the interplay with found footage and navigates the moment of contact between word and image.
Cartoneros (2006): a documentary about the socio-economics of trash recycling in Buenos Aires, written, directed and co-produced by Ernesto Livon-Grosman.
Several contributions (on poets Jorge Santiago Perednik, Charles Bernstein, Roberto Cignoni, Reina Maria Rodriguez, and Raul Zurita) to the visual poetry series sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, "Pennsound:" Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing.
The Radio Reading Project, a series of recordings and interviews in English and Spanish with poets from South and North America, co-produced at New York University by Ernesto Livon Grosman.
The XUL digital website, conceived and curated by Ernesto Livon-Grosman, is a digitalized edition (enriched by a new critical apparatus) of the Argentinian intellectual journal, XUL: Signo Viejo e Nuevo, published in the 1980s as a forum for both literary and political expression during the years of dictatorship.
Digital edition of the journal ailleurs, a publication dedicated to experimental writing published in Paris, France during the early 1960‘s. The journal, which was published and directed by the Uruguayan artist and poet Carmelo Arden Quin, worked as a point of confluence of South American and European intellectuals interested in the intersection of writing and the visual arts. (For more information on Carmelo Arden Quin, see MADI)
"Family Resemblances: home movies, amateur films and the avant-garde: The Films of Alberto Salomón." Edited by Ariana Huberman and Nora Flickman. Jewish Latin American Film. University of Texas Press, 2017.
"Inside-Outside: Nicolasito Guillén Landrián´s Subversive Strategy in Coffea Arábi" in The Essay Film: Dialogue, Politics, Utopia, eds. Elizabeth Papazian and Caroline Eades, Columbia University Press, 2016.
"Nicolasito's Way: Los sinuosos caminos de la estética revolucionaria," in La Fuga (online journal, Chile), special issue (Spring 2013) devoted to the Cuban poet, painter, and experimental filmmaker, Nicolás Guillén Landrián.
"Memorias privadas, imágenes públicas. La primera persona en dos documentales argentinos recientes," Iberoamericana 8.29 (2008): 105-122 (special issue on the theme, "Entre-discursos: medios masivos, literatura y política en la cultura latinoamericana").
“Filming Dissent Across the Atlantic: Havana Engages Paris.” Guest lecture, Niagara University, Niagara, New York, March 31, 2016.
“Debord, the Tropics and the Making of the New Latin American Cinema.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Harvard University, Cambridge, March 20, 2016.
“Imágenes residuales.” Reunión de Antropología del MERCOSUR, Montevideo, Uruguay, December 1, 2015.
Panel on Nicolasito Guillén Landrián’s Films, Respondent, LASA, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 29, 2015.
“Argentina’s Amateur Film and the Making of the Fifth Cinema: A Case Study.” Society for Film and Media Studies, Montreal, March 27, 2015.Two panel presentations with screenings of Brascó and Cartoneros at the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEEF), Ithaca College, April 4, 2014.
"Documentary Film," graduate seminar, University of Buenos Aires, Facultad de Medios y Comunicaciones, June 2013.
"All in the Family: Nicolasito's Other Way," John Hopkins University, Program in Latin American Studies, Baltimore, Maryland, April 4, 2013.
“Mapping the Americas,” Dr. Milton Ellis Memorial Event, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, October 4, 2012.
“Looking Out to See In: Nicolasito Guillén Landrián’s Other Strategy,” Caribbean Philosophical Association, Rutgers Univeristy, New Brunswick, September 30, 2011.
“Recent Trends in Latin American Cinema,” panel co-organizer and paper presenter. Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Twenty-ninth International Congress, Toronto, Canada, October 6, 2010.
"Mensaje a la Humanidad: Roberto Cignoni" (see above), screening and lecture. Annual Espresso Film Festival, Vienna, Austria, August 13, 2010.
“Revolution within the Revolution: The Aesthetic Challenges of Nicolasito Guillén Landrián’s Films,” Visible Evidence: Seventeenth Annual International Conference on Documentary Film and Media, Istanbul, Turkey. August 11, 2010.
“Cartoneros” screenings, with public lectures, of documentary film (see above) at the following venues: Aston University, Birmingham, UK, April 28, 2009; California State University at San Marcos, April 9, 2009 (annual Spring Arts and Lecture Series); University of California at Irvine, April 11, 2009 (“Cultures of Democracy" series); the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS), University of Texas, March 24, 2009; the Embassy of Argentina, Washington, DC, as part of the “DC Environmental Film Festival,” March 13, 2009; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 15, 2010. Program in Latin American Studies, Johns Hopkins University, April 4, 2013.
“Revolución y pop en en la obra de un documentalista cubano.” Presented at the Onzième Colloque international du CRICCAL, 16-18 octobre 2008, Paris, on the theme, "Transamériques: Les échanges culturels continentaux."