Communication Department Faculty

Ernesto Livon-Grosman

Professor; Director, Latin American Studies




The Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry: A Bilingual Anthology. Edited (with introductory essays) by Cecilia Vicuña and Ernesto Livon-Grosman. Oxford University Press, 2009.

José Lezama: The Oxford Lima Selections. Edited and with an Introduction by Ernesto Livon-Grosman. Berkeley: University of California Press, February, 2005.

Geografías imaginarias: el relato de viajes y la construcción del espacio patagónico. Buenos Aires: Beatriz Viterbo Editora. 2003; 2nd Ed. 2004.

The XUL Reader: An Anthology of Argentine Poetry 1980-1990. Editor and author of the introductory study. New York: Roof Books, 1997.

Charles Olson: Poemas (Translated by Ernesto Livon-Grosman and Jorge Santiago Perednik.) Buenos Aires: Tres Haches, 1997.