Sociology Department

Jessica Bolin

Ph.D. Student




Jess is a PhD student at Boston College specializing in environmental sociology. Her research focuses on public perceptions related to climate change, public health, and media preferences. Jess frequently draws on survey data for quantitative analysis and has experience developing measures, collecting responses, and communicating results to diverse audiences. She has also contributed to evaluation research projects employing various methods.

Conference Presentations

  • Bolin, Jessica. 2019. "Lyme Disease in New Hampshire: Perceived risk across ideologies and counties." American Sociological Association. New York City, NY.
  • Bolin, Jessica. 2018. “Collaboration in Practice: Structuring the new scientific paradigm.” American Association of Geographers. New Orleans, LA.
  • Bolin, Jessica. 2017. “Under-exposed to Double Exposure? Attitudes toward climate change and economic globalization.” American Association of Geographers. Boston, MA.; Eastern Sociological Society. Philadelphia, PA.
  • Bolin, Jessica. 2016. “Shifting Inequality: From local to global perspectives.” Society for the Study of Social Problems. Seattle, WA.


Journal Publications

Bolin, Jessica. Forthcoming. "Lyme disease risk perceptions in New Hampshire: Bridging Regression and Qualitative Comparative Analysis." Human Ecology Review.

Bolin, Jessica L. and Lawrence C. Hamilton. 2018. “The News You Choose: News media preferences amplify views on climate change.” Environmental Politics 27(3):455-476.