Residential Ministry staff at Boston College works to support the spiritual, intellectual, and personal formation of those they encounter and accompany. Our Resident Ministers and Graduate Ministers serve as resources for our Resident Directors, Graduate Assistants, Resident Assistants and undergraduate students.
Residential Ministers serve as conversation partners with students and are open to talking about myriad issues that unfold as students discover themselves throughout their college journey.
In addition to their pastoral role, the Residential Ministry Staff offer hospitality, opportunities for prayer, discussions around a variety of topics, and other engagements to build community in the halls.
Three Pillars of Residential Ministry
Ministers seek to create a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environment in the residence halls during all encounters that develop a sense of belonging for members of the community.
Ministers serve as conversation partners who invite, encourage, and journey with students and staff on their quest to engage in genuine and authentic dialogue with others.
Inspired by Christ, ministers encourage and assist individuals in learning about their own and other’s faith traditions and find meaning in their lives through the eyes of faith.
Resident Ministers
Resident Ministers (RM) are full time professionals or doctoral students at Boston College who also serve in this role, many of whom are also Campus Ministers. RMs can be Jesuits, ordained ministers, members of religious orders, or lay ministers who are assigned to and live within a residential community. The RMs serve as conversation partners and a pastoral presence for students and the residential staff in their community, offer hospitality and prayer opportunities within the halls, and serve in a 24-hour on-call rotation to respond to students in crisis and as requested.
When interacting with students and staff, they are supporting the academic, social, and spiritual formation of those in their community. Many RMs are also an integral part of Catholic liturgies at St. Joseph's Chapel (Upper Campus), Trinity Chapel (Newton Campus) and St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish. Click here to see the daily mass offerings. The RMs are representatives of both the Office of Residential Life and Campus Ministry.
Thomas More Apartments, Greycliff
Thomas More Apartments 506
Graduate Ministers
Graduate Ministers (GM) are given opportunities to work alongside the Assistant Director of Residential Ministry on programming, retreats, trainings, and overall assist with the continued education and development of staff and students within Residential Life around Jesuit and Ignatian pedagogy, spiritual development, and multi-faith education. The GMs serve as a resource and support to residents, Resident Assistants, Graduate Assistants, and professional staff on topics relating to student formation and development inspired by the three pillars of Graduate Ministry: hospitality, accompaniment, and faith. GMs will focus on the planning and execution of active programmatic efforts around the Jesuit Tradition portion of the Community Engagement Model, religious holidays, collaborate with on and off-campus partners to provide opportunities for individuals to partake in service, and attend religious service to focus on this aspect of diversity and inclusion.
Social Work Intern
The Residential Ministry Intern is a student in the School of Social Work who partners with the Assistant Director for Residential Ministry to oversee two formative sanctions and one large scale program. The Conversation Project matches students with faculty, staff, graduate assistants and Jesuits around campus with undergraduates who are found responsible through the conduct system and need an additional layer of support for various reasons. The Intern also aids in the continued formation of the 40 adult Conversation Partners (CPs) and the onboarding of new CPs to the program. In addition, the SW Intern plans and co-directs the Roads Retreat twice a year for students at future risk of being separated from the University as a result of multiple conduct violations. Lastly, the Intern aids in the planning and execution of BC Clean, an initiative that works with five non-profit organizations in the Boston community and three departments at BC that support students. The program encourages students and members of the BC Community to donate items during move-out that are in good condition, such as clothing, non-perishable food, books, appliances, as well as general household goods and furniture.