TAME Grants Description


This program is limited to funding of up to $2,000 and is similar to the Research Expense Grant Program. TAME funds may be used for almost any expense related to the improvement of teaching, advising or mentoring of BC students. For instance, funds may be used for supplies or equipment not covered by departmental budgets or faculty development at teaching oriented workshops. These funds may not be used to attend research-oriented conferences; however, funds may be used to attend a teaching oriented workshop at a research conference.

Applications for the TAME program will be reviewed during the spring semester.


All full-time faculty are eligible for the TAME Grant.


Faculty should submit applications via online form by:

  • October 23, 2023 for spring semester funding


Once the faculty member has submitted the online application, the Assistant Director will create a Google Drive Folder with all relevant applications to be shared with the appropriate chair and dean.

Chairs must complete all rankings by:

  • October 30, 2023 for spring semester funding


Deans must complete all rankings by:

  • November 6, 2023 for spring semester funding


The applications will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the University Council on Teaching, under the direction of the Office of the Provost. 

Faculty will be notified of award decisions in December 2023.