Telephone: 617-552-3661
Email: dia.philippides@bc.edu
Ancient Greek tragedy; Cretan Renaissance literature; the diaspora of modern Greek literature; computational analysis of literary texts (language, style, meter, rhyme, editing); technology in education; ‘Digital Humanities’.
Prof. Philippides’ teaching at Boston College has centered on ancient Greek language and literature (intermediate-level texts; lecture courses and advanced seminars on Greek drama) and on modern Greek literature and culture (courses and seminars in areas including fiction, drama, and films). In May 2011 she received a ‘Teaching with New Media’ (TWIN) award.
In her academic work (teaching and research) Prof. Philippides focuses on: interdisciplinary approaches; harnessing technology to the service of the Humanities (Greek Studies); collaboration on research projects with student assistants and senior colleagues (at Boston College and elsewhere); reinforcing bridges between the USA and Greece. After holding a Research Professorship at BC (2013-2018) Prof. Philippides is continuing to concentrate on research.
ΕΡΩΤΟΚΡΙΤΟΣ: Του δίσκου τα γυρίσματα / EROTOKRITOS: As the Disk Turns. A CD-ROM (with Greek and English interface). With David Holton and John L. Dawson. Athens: Hermes Publishing Co., 2013. ISBN 978-960-320-218-9. The romance Erotókritos (ca. AD 1600) is a major literary work of the Cretan Renaissance. The CD-ROM includes (as Hypertext) the word-tables from the book Του κύκλου τα γυρίσματα: ο Ερωτόκριτος σε ηλεκτρονική ανάλυση (the concordance to the Erotókritos) and the text of the romance (ed. Stylianos Alexiou [1992]), all interlinked through a million electronic links.
CENSUS of Modern Greek Literature: Check-list of English-Language Sources Useful in the Study of Modern Greek Literature Update (1813-present). With W.F. Bakker (Prof. Emeritus, Univ. of Amsterdam) and other colleagues. A revised, enlarged edition of the work-of-reference originally published in 1990. The compilation continues to today, incorporating references to (all) translations and studies (published worldwide in English, 1813- ) based on authors, works and topics in modern Greek literature from ca. AD 1200 to the present. The Census Update is in preparation for publication in print (two vols., 1813-2012) and as a fully searchable database to be maintained Open Access on the Web. With the support of the AIkaterini Laskaridis Foundation the CENSUS team has launched (April 2022) the website moderngreekliterature.org, containing the project's first section "Greek AUTHORS 19th-21st centuries". Further development will follow.
Websites for modern Greek drama and film (http://greektheatro.org) and for the Erotokritos CD-ROM (http://www.erotokritos-cdrom.com/) remain under development.