A sense of community fosters feelings of cooperation and togetherness, and we strive to build and advocate for community in which everyone has the chance to feel healthy, whole, and supported.
The Center for Student Wellness believes community is why we are all here. We value our community and use that to build capacity that enables students, staff and faculty to live, learn, play and thrive. We aim to create a culture of care and well-being and understand that each students’ journey is very personal and different yet our common humanity brings us together. Communities are formed among groups of people who share something in common, defined by the shared attributes and strength of connections among people. A sense of community fosters feelings of cooperation and togetherness, and we strive to build and advocate for community in which everyone has the chance to feel healthy, whole, and supported.

Key Messages
Contribute your skills, talents, strengths, and time; find ways to give back through services.
Treat others how you want to be treated and seek to make the world a better place.
Respect the planet you live on and consider sustainable living.
Strive to be authentic, curious, empathetic, and inclusive in your interactions.
What messages do you receive around caring for your SOUL? Listen to a variety of perspectives, from experts and peers, and consider how it relates to your experiences.
Hear from an expert
Want to change the world? Start by being brave enough to care
Artist and poet Cleo Wade recites a moving poem about being an advocate for love and acceptance in a time when both seem in short supply. Woven between stories of people at the beginning and end of their lives, she shares some truths about growing up (and speaking up) and reflects on the wisdom of a life well-lived, leaving us with a simple yet enduring takeaway: be good to yourself, be good to others, be good to the earth.
More perspectives
BC Podcast: Let’s Talk Community Roundtable
BC Blog: What We Learned From Let’s Talk Soul
How do you care for your SOUL? Engage in these reflective activities and behaviors to discover what works best for you.
Match your strengths and talents to a societal need. Take the VIA Character Strengths survey and reflect on your top 5 strengths and how it influenced your academic and career choices. Also rank your top 5 values and how it influences your “why” personally, academically, and professionally. Now think about and match your strengths, values, and talents to a greater good.
Support yourself and others. Choose one task, no matter how small, and commit to doing it this week. This can include seeking help for yourself, whether around career, financial, spiritual, diversity, or personal support, you can help by contributing to your own and/or others’ well-being.
Create less waste. Take this short survey to understand your climate choices. Read this article about 10 Ways College Students Can Live More Sustainably and review this infographic to learn about the different ways in which our individual actions can impact our environment, then get involved. Choose one practice you want to focus on and incorporate one new way of sustainable living into your week. Reflect on how it felt to align your actions with a cause that impacts your larger community.
It can be easy in class to focus only on what the teacher has to say rather than listening to your classmates’ comments too - but your classmates have wonderful insights to share if the space is open to it! By being a receptive, open-minded, and active listener in class and in your community, people will feel more comfortable sharing their experiences and it will broaden our own perspectives. We know it can be anxiety producing to unmute and speak up in your remote classes, especially when receiving less verbal or non-verbal feedback. This week when someone in your class is talking, try responding with a validating remark or a question to let them know they are being heard and you’re interested in what they have to say. People’s stories and experiences matter. Watch this video - The Danger of a Single Story
What do you need to do to care for your mind (or body, or soul) and live well? Sign up to meet with a Wellness Coach to reflect on your current wellbeing and set goals that feel achievable to you.
Let's Talk More...
We want to help you find joy in your journey, wherever you’re at. We have many resources within Center for Student Wellness and throughout campus to continue this conversation—we’re here to listen, reflect, and help you set and achieve health goals that feel intuitive, sustainable, and balanced.
Meet with a Peer Wellness Coach
Engage in a conversation about your health and wellness goals related to caring for your body - in the areas of sleep and general health, body image and exercise, and alcohol and other drugs!
Visit bc.edu/wellnesscoach to schedule your Wellness Coaching session and learn about each type of appointment, or use the links below to sign up directly through google calendar.