Summer Faith Feeds Book Club | Called on the Way: The Daily Practice of Discipleship


Faith Feeds Book Club

Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Time: 1:00–2:00pm (ET)



Discipleship is not a program to be implemented or a goal to be achieved but a lifelong walk with Christ, who is the Way.


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In Called on the Way: The Daily Practice of Discipleship, authors Kathleen Cahalan and Laura Kelly Fanucci explore through personal stories, Scripture readings, and prayer experiences, what it means to be called a disciple “on the way.”


This summer, we are excited to have author and C21 Center friend Laura Kelly Fanucci for our Faith Feeds Book Club! Her book, Called on the Way: The Daily Practice of Discipleship will be the inspiration for conversation and reflection.

In addition, you can be part of a Pilgrim Pod, a self-led small group that will meet throughout the summer via Zoom to discuss the book. We will be sharing additional materials to help individuals and small groups structure their summer reading and reflections. These will be suggestions that each group can use in any way that works best for them. If interested in being part of a Pilgrim Pod, please mark "Yes" in the form below.


Meet Laura Kelly Fanucci

Laura Kelly Fanucci is an author, speaker, and founder of Mothering Spirit, where she first started writing about parenting and spirituality in 2010. She earned her B.A. from the University of Notre Dame and her Master of Divinity from Saint John's School of Theology. Laura has authored seven books, including Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting and Grieving Together: A Couple's Journey through Miscarriage.

Laura’s work has been featured on the Hallow and Ritual apps, and in popular outlets including NPR’s Morning Edition, On Being, and the Kelly Clarkson Show. She writes frequently for online and print publications including Catholic News Service, Grotto Network, and Give Us This Day. She and her husband live in Minnesota with their children.

Learn more about Laura, her ministry, and her books on her website

Laura Kelly Fanucci smiling