Boston College Law School
885 Centre Street
Newton Centre, MA 02459
Email: william.bagley@bc.edu
Law of Philanthropy
William Bagley has worked in the field of philanthropy for over thirty years. At Boston College Law School, and collaborating with Professor Ray Madoff, he is senior advisor to the BC Law School Forum on Philanthropy and the Public Good. Admitted to practice in state and federal courts in Massachusetts and before the US Tax Court, his postings range from service at Choate, Yale, Boston College and The Trustees of Reservations, to work advising a Ford Foundation initiative in affordable housing, a HUD program to eliminate lead poising in children and in support of many non-profit organizations. In addition, he has, for years, advised individuals and foundations in the formation of their philanthropy. Presently he directs gift planning at St. Mark's School in Southborough, MA. His writing includes articles and policy analysis in philanthropy found in the Neiman Watchdog (Nieman Foundation at Harvard), Mass Lawyers Weekly and in other publications and his poems have been published by WCRB/WGBH, NPR, America magazine and elsewhere. He took degrees from Holy Cross, Harvard and Suffolk University Law School, and, held two research fellowships at the Yale Divinity School.