The Law School will begin a new speaker series, “Conversations@BCLaw,” next week in which alumni political leaders are interviewed by BC Law professor Kent Greenfield. The series will be open to the public and live streamed, with online viewers invited to pose questions via social media with the hashtag #atbclaw.
The first event – which takes place this Tuesday at 4 p.m. in East Wing 120 – will feature 11-term US Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott ’73 (D-Va.). Scott has been active in supporting the right of all children with disabilities to obtain a free and appropriate education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. He also was instrumental in the House’s passage of the Fair Sentencing Act, and has been a leading critic against warrantless wiretapping and an opponent of efforts to permit employment discrimination in federally funded programs.
For more information or to watch the event online, see www.bc.edu/conversationsatbclaw.