The Boston College Theology Department and School of Theology and Ministry were a significant presence at this year’s meeting of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), held recently in San Diego.
Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology Richard Gaillardetz completed his term as CTSA president and gave the presidential address, titled "The Francis Moment: A 'Kairos' frp, Catholic Ecclesiology.'" David Hollenbach, SJ, who holds the University Chair in Human Rights and International Justice and served on the CTSA board of directors from 1982-84, was elected vice-president and over the next two years will assume the posts of president-elect and then president. In addition, STM Professor Mary Jo Iozzio was elected to the CTSA board for a two-year term.
Professor of Theology M. Shawn Copeland, a former CTSA president, received the Ann O'Hara Graff Memorial Award for her work in theology from the Women’s Consultation on Constructive Theology.
The CTSA meeting also featured presentations of papers by Fr. Hollenbach; Founders Professor of Theology James Keenan, SJ; Theology Associate Professor Boyd Coolman, Assistant Professor Andrew Prevot and part-time faculty member Elizabeth Antus; STM Professor Richard Lennan, Associate Professor Dominic Doyle, Assistant Professor Ernesto Valiente and students Brad Rathrock and Cathal Doherty, and theology graduate students Katie Grimes and David Turnbloom. Theology Associate Professors Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM, and Brian Robinette and STM Associate Professors Margaret Guider, OSF, and Andrea Vicini, SJ, served as session moderators, and theology graduate student and Flatley Fellow Kate Ward provided assistance to Gaillardetz throughout the event.
The CTSA is the principal association of Catholic theologians in North America. With a membership of more than 1,300, the CTSA is the largest professional society of theologians in the world. Active members of the society hold the doctorate in theology or a related discipline. The purpose of the CTSA is to promote theological research in the Roman Catholic tradition that is attentive to contemporary problems faced by the Catholic Church and the world.
Boston College Libraries publish the proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, which are online only. To view them, see http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/ctsa/index