For the past 13 years, International Education Week (IEW) — established nationally by the US Department of State and the Department of Education — has promoted international education awareness throughout the Boston College community. IEW returns Nov. 11-15 with more than 40 events happening on campus.
Office of International Students and Scholars Director Adrienne Nussbaum said the spirit of IEW is reflected in this year’s theme: “BC at 150: More International Than Ever!”
“With over 35 events planned throughout the week, IEW is the only time of year when BC’s many academic departments, administrative offices, and student organizations all collaborate to bring awareness to the whole University community about important international educational, cultural and social issues,” said Nussbaum. “It is a celebration of our rich and valuable diversity at home as well an acknowledgement of BC’s engagement and influence throughout the world.”
BC IEW is a collaborative effort among more than a dozen departments and groups, each focused on increasing knowledge and awareness of the world’s cultures, languages and international education.
For example, on Nov. 11, University Advancement and the Alumni Association will host their first-ever Google+ hangout, featuring BC alumni from Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia and Latin America. Hosted by Associate Vice President for Alumni Relations Joy H. Moore ’81, and Alumni Association President Vincent Quealy ’75, the Google+ Chat will involve global alumni in a conversation about the role that BC has played in their lives, and the possibilities for creating a robust alumni community.
According to Executive Director of International Advancement Ellen Sullivan ’88, IEW is a great opportunity to connect with and showcase BC alumni around the world.
“The world’s great universities have global alumni networks that serve their students during the undergraduate experience, and throughout their lives as alumni,” said Sullivan. “Boston College is eager to strengthen the ties between our international alumni and families and the life of the University by helping to develop a vibrant and dynamic worldwide alumni community.”
Sullivan added, “We are proud to have loyal alumni working to raise the profile of BC and create a sense of community for Boston College in China, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, and Puerto Rico, as well as through existing alumni chapters in Dublin, London and Paris.”
Other highlights of the week:
•Burns Library Visiting Scholar in Irish Studies Mary McAleese, former president of Ireland, and her husband Martin McAleese, chancellor of Dublin City University, will speak at the Nov. 11 IEW opening event about their personal experiences with international education. The event will be held at 4:30 p.m. in Higgins 300, followed by a reception in the Higgins Atrium.
•Faculty and staff are invited to two OISS-sponsored workshops: how to pronounce Chinese names (Nov. 12 at noon in Higgins 225), and Cross-cultural communication (Nov. 14, at 12:30 in the McElroy conference room).
•OISS, the Office of International Programs and the Career Center will co-sponsor a program on BC alumni who have pursued international careers, on Nov. 13, at 6:30 p.m. in Gasson 305.
•A reception for visiting international faculty and research scholars will be held Nov. 14 in the Fulton Honors Library from 3-5 p.m., followed by a panel discussion on “The Future of Internationalization” with Nussbaum, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs Donald Hafner, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Joseph Burns, Office of International Programs Director Nick Gozik and Center for International Higher Education Director Philip Altbach.
IEW is sponsored by Office of International Students and Scholars, Office of International Programs, International Studies Program, Center for International Higher Education, Center for Human Rights and International Justice, Residential Life, Graduate School of Social Work International Programs, Connell School of Nursing, BC Libraries, BC Dining Services, International Club of Boston College, Graduate International Students Association, Office of International Advancement and several other intercultural clubs. The website for IEW at BC, which includes a listing of events, is www.bc.edu/iew.