Two members of the Boston College Law faculty have emerged as thought leaders in the world of legal blogging.
Assistant Professor Richard Albert was recently named a founding member of a new scholarly blog, I-CONnect, launched jointly by the Oxford and New York University peer-edited law journal I-CON: International Journal of Constitutional Law and ConstitutionMaking.org. Assistant Professor Brian Quinn’s lauded Mergers and Acquisitions Blog was named to the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100 list for 2012.
Both professors have been prolific writers online, a skill that can no longer be understated, said Quinn.
“I am continually surprised at how important blogs have become in bridging the conversation between practitioners and the academy as well as in pushing forward discussion of topics important to academics. When I started writing the blog, I really had no idea how quickly the sources of academic and professional conversations were shifting away from traditional law review formats and towards online publication and blogs.
“The blog format is one of those disruptive technologies that causes us to rethink how we do things and approach our work,” said Quinn.
The M&A Law Prof Blog has been cited on LexisNexis’ Top 25 Business Law Blogs in recent years.
I-CONnect, Albert’s new project, aims to serve as the blogging arm of the journal I-CON. Limitations in the publication cycle made it difficult for the journal to cover new or breaking stories in a meaningful way. I-CONnect will now serve as the source for the most recent news in the legal field, providing analysis of recent developments in comparative public law, article reviews and book reviews, as well as self-standing posts about comparative public law, creators said in a statement.
“I’m thrilled to be a part of this exciting new venture,” Albert said. “I-CON is the best journal around for comparative public law, and I’m working with some of the very best people in the field. It’s an honor to help launch the new site.”
Albert is on a founding I-CONnect team that includes Joseph Weiler of New York University Law School, editor-in-chief Michel Rosenfeld of Cardozo Law School, ConstitutionMaking.com director Tom Ginsburg of Chicago Law School, Ran Hirschl of University of Toronto Law School, and David Landau of Florida State.
Law School Marketing and Communications Director Nathaniel Kenyon contributed to this story.