During a spring semester internship at the University’s Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections, Boston College seniors and Bookbuilders of Boston scholarship recipients Juliette San Fillipo and Jennifer O’Brien had the opportunity to attend several workshops in the library’s conservation lab, joined by lab assistants Anna Whitham ’15 and Josh Rosenfeld ’13.
[O’Brien described her internship experience in a blog post; see http://bit.ly/1b7ZAgs]
Under the direction of Burns Conservator Barbara Adams Hebard, the student team hand-decorated paper for book covers and then hand-sewed the books. Their finished work is included in an online exhibit sponsored by the New England Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers, a first for BC students.
Bookbuilders of Boston is a non-profit organization founded in 1937, with a membership representing all areas of the book industry, and a scholarship fund to support, encourage, and promote publishing-related education. Participating educational institutions such as Boston College award the scholarships to students who plan to pursue careers in publishing anticipating that, upon graduation, they will contribute their knowledge and unique talent to the field.
See the full text of this story at http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/offices/pubaf/news/2013-may-jun/bookbinders.html