Victoria Reggie Kennedy, co-founder and president of the board of trustees of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, will give the address at the 2012 Boston College Law School Commencement on May 25.
The Law School Commencement will begin at 10:30 a.m. in Conte Forum.
The widow of US Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), and a practicing attorney in the private sector for almost two decades, Kennedy has served in key strategic and political roles on issues ranging from health and education to labor, especially as those issues affect women and children. She has been a leading advocate for national health care reform, standing at President ObamaĆs side at the White House as he signed the landmark legislation into law in 2010.
Kennedy continues to tout the benefits of the law while overseeing establishment of the Kennedy Institute, which will seek to invigorate public discourse, encourage participatory democracy and inspire the next generation of citizens and leaders.
"Victoria Kennedy has been a powerful advocate for the powerless on issues such as gun control and education, among many others," said BC Law Dean Vincent Rougeau. "Her perspective on these issues, as well as her experience as a practicing attorney for nearly twenty years, should be very interesting to our graduating class. I'm pleased that she has agreed to speak at Commencement."
More information on the Boston College Law School Commencement is available at the school's website, www.bc.edu/law.