S. Eve Rabinoff, who received her doctorate during the past year from Boston College, is the winner of a prestigious essay contest sponsored by the Review of Metaphysics.
Rabinoff, a former teaching fellow in BC’s Philosophy Department and now a member of the Boston University philosophy faculty, won the Review’s annual dissertation essay contest with her entry, "Aristotle on the Intelligibility of Perception," based on her dissertation, "Perception in Aristotle's Ethics." Associate Professor of Philosophy Marina McCoy served as Rabinoff’s dissertation advisor.
In her essay, according to Rabinoff, she addresses questions of incidental perception of certain objects, and the nature and extent of humans’ interpretation of them. She also discusses the ways in which intellect informs perception.
Published quarterly by the Philosophy Education Society Inc., the Review of Metaphysics is devoted to the promotion of technically competent, definitive contributions to philosophical knowledge and interested in persistent, resolute inquiries into root questions. The Review’s essay contest is open to all participants who have been awarded a doctoral degree in philosophy in the United States or Canada during a given period.