McNair Exploratory Program 

Program Description

The central purpose of the McNair Exploratory Program (MEP) is to involve first-year students in a conversation with faculty members about professional career, graduate education, and research. In addition to being paired with a Faculty Mentor, MEP students are also paired with a staff advisor and participate in academic and social activities through the academic year. This program runs during the academic year and applications will open again in August 2024 and will be due in September 2024. 


Students are paired with faculty mentors and meet with them at least twice during the fall and spring semesters. Students may have the opportunity to be immersed in the work of their mentors through lab visits, readings and discussions of academic papers, participation in a colloquium or research presentation, and other activities designed by mentors and the McNair staff.


The McNair Exploratory Program is available to all enrolled Boston College first-year first generation college students. To be eligible, a student must be a citizen of the United States or have permanent residency and have a need for our services.

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