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Racism-based Trauma Think Tank

Vision: To create a society where emerging adults from marginalized populations are free from racism-based trauma and where diversity and inclusion are celebrated and promoted.

Mission: Our mission is to be a leading think tank that conducts research, advocates for policy change, and provides resources and support to address racism-based trauma experienced by emerging adults from marginalized populations. Through collaboration, education, and empowerment, we strive to bring about healing, justice, and lasting social change.

Goal: Our goal is to generate knowledge and understanding of the impact of racism-based trauma on emerging adults from marginalized populations. By conducting interdisciplinary research, we aim to identify the root causes, manifestations, and consequences of such trauma. We aim to provide evidence-based recommendations and solutions to policymakers, organizations, and communities to prevent and mitigate racism-based trauma among emerging adults. Additionally, we aim to create a platform for dialogue, advocacy, and support by working closely with individuals, community leaders, and stakeholders to develop inclusive initiatives and resources that foster resilience, empowerment, and healing for those affected by racism-based trauma. Through our collaborative efforts, we aspire to create a society where emerging adults from marginalized populations thrive and reach their full potential, regardless of their background or ethnicity.