Background and Definition

“A bylaw is made by a non-governing body, which derives its authority from a governing body (HR), and can only be made on a limited range of matters.”

The Staff Advisory Senate (SAS) was established as the result of a long-felt need on the part of Office and Clerical Staff for a voice in the Boston College community. Prior to December 1979, The Staff Advisory Senate was known as the Office and Clerical Advisory Council (OCAC).

The SAS is made up of representatives elected to represent the interests of support staff on campus. It acts as a liaison between the administration and support staff, presenting to the administration proposals that would benefit support staff, and communicating to the staff the objectives and policies established by the University.

The SAS provides the Administration with the opinions, priorities, and concerns of members of the support staff; therefore representatives shall keep in constant contact with their group. When a consensus is reached, positive steps shall be taken by the SAS to inform the Administration and to work toward implementing the results.

All Representatives and Alternates shall read and be familiar with the current SAS By-Laws.