A new program being launched this fall will offer Boston College sophomores the opportunity to explore community service and social justice with a strong international perspective.
The McGillycuddy-Logue Fellows (MLF) program, sponsored through the McGillycuddy-Logue Center for Undergraduate Global Studies in coordination with the Office of International Programs, will integrate academics, international and domestic experiential learning, and individual and community development to help students become more globally conscious, the center announced in a recent release.
Applications for the program are due Oct. 15, and can be found online at http://bit.ly/1LUpVSX.
Successful applicants will be expected to complete all MLF Program components before graduation, including two three-credit MLF Program courses, two cohort retreats, and an international service placement. Students can complete the international component by volunteering during a study-abroad semester junior year.
“The MLF Program is relevant for any sophomore students who would like to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of social justice, connect their interest in service to academic and professional pursuits, serve reflectively in both local and international communities, and be challenged by BC faculty and peers,” the center announced.
The program will be limited to 10 to 12 students, so as to create a close-knit cohort of participants with diverse backgrounds who will work together to develop intellectual, social, and intercultural skills that “will prepare them to become agents for change in the world.” Students from all academic majors are encouraged to apply and no prior service or leadership experience is required.
“The program will follow the model of preparation, experience, and reflection,” said Office of International Programs Director Nick Gozik, director of the McGillycuddy-Logue Center. “Students will participate in a local and international service experience along with a series of workshops, retreats, and academic courses.”
The program is named in honor of the center’s benefactors, Kathleen M. McGillycuddy, former chair of Boston College’s Board of Trustees, and her husband, Ronald E. Logue, former CEO of State Street Corp.
–Office of News & Public Affairs