Boston College’s Sesquicentennial celebration will conclude on Dec. 12 with a Mass that will coincide with the University’s annual baccalaureate ceremony for seniors who have completed their undergraduate requirements.
University President William P. Leahy, SJ, will be the celebrant and homilist for the Mass, which will take place at 4 p.m. in St. Ignatius Church.
The event, open to all members of the Boston College community, will mark the end of a 15-month celebration of the University’s 150th anniversary that began with a Mass in Fenway Park on Sept. 15, 2012.
Other Sesquicentennial-related events have included a concert at Symphony Hall featuring student musicians and a guest appearance by actor Chris O’Donnell ’92, a lecture by Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust, a naturalization ceremony in Robsham Theater for 100 immigrants, a Founders Day student celebration, special commemorative exhibits, and symposia on such topics as Catholic higher education, the legacy of Vatican II, migration, energy, education’s role in democratic societies and, last month, religious diversity.
“This is a very appropriate way to close out a three-semester celebration of Boston College’s Sesquicentennial,” said Vice President and University Secretary Terrence Devino, SJ. “Rather than having the concluding event stand alone, it makes sense to place it within a celebration of what we’re about: educating students.
“So, as these students mark this important passage in their lives, Boston College will likewise end a major chapter in its history — a reflection on 150 years of preparing men and women to serve others — and move on to the next.”
For more about the Boston College Sesquicentennial, see www.bc.edu/150.