Sigma Theta Tau International’s International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, which recognizes nurse researchers who have “achieved significant and sustained broad national and/or international recognition for their work, and whose research has impacted the profession and the people it serves.”
Gennaro’s research has focused on improving perinatal health outcomes for women and newborns in the US and developing countries. Her work in Ukraine, Malawi and Uganda has served as a model of sustainable care for women in under-resourced areas. Gennaro has also conducted research to improve neonatal resuscitation, testing WHO recommendations for basic newborn resuscitation.
She is currently conducting a study funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research on predictors of preterm labor and birth.
“Anyone familiar with Dean Gennaro’s scholarship and zeal for nursing will not be surprised; she serves as a role model as a scholar and researcher,” said Provost and Dean of Faculties Cutberto Garza. “Recognition of BC’s faculty by honors of this type reaffirms the University’s dual commitment to excellence and leadership in the improvement of the human condition through scholarship.”
Gennaro joins two other Connell School faculty members in the International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, Professors Sr. Callista Roy and Ann Wolbert Burgess, both of whom were inducted in 2010.
Sigma Theta Tau International, the honor society of nursing, supports the learning, knowledge and professional development of nurses committed to making a difference in health worldwide. Gennaro will be formally inducted during STTI’s 24th International Nursing Research Congress being held this July in Prague.
—Material supplied by the Connell School of Nursing