Hometown: Providence, RI
Major: Economics and communication; Hispanic Studies minor
Notable activities: Editor-in-Chief, The Heights; member, Swing Kids Dance Team; Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honors Society
Post-Graduation plans: Real estate capital analyst for KeyBank
Overview: A quiet yet respected student leader, Caprio won the admiration of students, faculty and administrators for his devotion to chronicling the triumphs and tribulations of Boston College during his four years with The Heights. Elected editor-in-chief of this award-winning independent student paper, Caprio devoted 50 hours per week to his position while excelling as an economics major. Upon graduation, he will utilize his leadership skills as a real estate capital analyst for KeyBank.
How have your activities influenced your four years at Boston College?
More than anything, being an editor on The Heights for three years augmented every part of my experience here at Boston College. The constant contact with the people and issues that shape the University’s student life and academics showed me how dedicated people at this school are to the development of the students. This gave everything I did – from dancing with Swing Kids to studying for exams – much more meaning.
Which faculty members had the greatest effect on your personal development?
[Adjunct Associate Professor] Richard McGowan, SJ, of the Economics Department was one of the faculty members who made me passionate about economics. He teaches his students analysis and logical thinking in a way that they can apply it to bettering society and themselves.
My more recent art and literature classes with [Associate Professor] Ernesto Livon-Grosman in the Romance Languages Department truly taught me how to be a life-long student. His emphasis on conversation and intellectual curiosity showed me how to transcend traditional classroom learning and provided a great capstone for a liberal arts education.
How has Boston College made a difference in your life?
Looking back on the last four years, what I appreciate most is Boston College’s dedication to providing its students with a liberal education in the arts and sciences. I am now more interested in fields like ecology and modern art – subjects I had no interest in when I was a senior in high school. This is a gift that BC has given me.
What will you miss most about BC?
I will miss the faculty most. As a student, I like knowing that I have these passionate thinkers living and working beside me and that, most importantly, these people care about my education and development. I think this is something all students take for granted, but it is something that you can’t find anywhere outside of a university. That is what I will miss.
Click here to view our next "Senior to Remember," student leader Jesus Damian Baeza.