On the evening of Feb. 16, Boston College students will once again put their musical and singing talents on display in the University’s version of a popular reality TV show — and once again, BC has invited students from Brighton’s St. Columbkille Partnership School to share the stage with them.
The annual “BC Idol” show, which takes place for the eighth time tonight at 8 p.m. in Robsham Theater, has again designated its proceeds to benefit St. Columbkille. Last year, BC Idol raised more than $3,500 for the Brighton parochial school, which is marking the fifth anniversary of its partnership with BC.
And in an encore of last year’s show, some St. Columbkille students will have the opportunity to participate in the “American Idol”-like event. The 2011 BC Idol featured Stayce Legagneur, an eighth-grader who sang “Halo” by Beyonce; Roisin O’Rourke, a fifth-grader who sang Christina Aguliera’s “Beautiful,” and Libby Wu, a third-grader who played “The Butterfly” on piano.
St. Columbkille Head of School William Gartside said funding from last year’s BC Idol fundraiser helped to transform the school’s music and arts programs.
“The BC Idol program helped us jump-start our fine arts program,” Gartside said. “We now have 70 students taking musical instrument lessons, a chorus as well as art and drama clubs. While many schools are cutting these crucial programs, we are developing our talent.”
Community Affairs Director Bill Mills says BC Idol helps foster the relationship between the University and St. Columbkille.
“BC Idol is one of the many events and programs that illustrate how much the relationship between Boston College, St. Columbkille, and the community has prospered in the last few years,” Mills said. “We encourage students, family, friends and neighbors to be a part of this special night.”
Ten BC students selected from auditions will perform, and a panel of three judges will offer opinions. The winner of the event will be decided by votes from the audience. Last year’s winner, senior Liz Peter, will also perform for the audience.
BC Idol is organized by students in BC’s Emerging Leader Program and Undergraduate Government of Boston College, as well as BC’s Office of Governmental and Community Affairs and the Lynch School of Education.
The event is open to public seating. Tickets are $10. For more information, www.bc.edu/robsham.