
We represent a collaborative effort of researchers, practitioners, and advocates who care deeply about equity, access to opportunity, and the inherent human rights of working people and their families. The team leaders of this network are David Blustein and Amy Mazur. David is a professor of counseling psychology at Boston College, and Amy is a independent career practitioner and project coordinator at WIN.

Who We Are

David Blustein

David Blustein

Team Leader, WIN Program
Professor & Golden Eagle Faculty Fellow, Counseling Psychology (Boston College)

Amy Mazur

Amy Mazur

Project Coordinator, WIN Program
Independent Career Practitioner

Blake A. Allan

Blake A. Allan

Associate Professor & Program Director, Counseling Psychology (University of Houston)

Rachel Cinamon Gali

Rachel Cinamon Gali

Professor of Career Development, School of Education (Tel Aviv University)

Kelsey Autin

Kelsey Autin

Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

Joaquim Ferreira

Joaquim A. Ferreira

Full Professor & Chair, Department of Education Developmental and Counseling Psychology (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Saliha Kozan

Saliha Kozan

Director of Clinical Services, Danielson Institute (Boston University)

Ofer Sharone

Ofer Sharone

Associate Professor, College of Social & Behavioral Science (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Camille Smith

Camille Smith

Ph.D. Candidate, Counseling Psychology (Boston College)


Brian Stevenson

Brian Stevenson

Assistant Professor, Psychiatry (Boston University School of Medicine)
Adjunct Instructor, Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology (Boston College)

Mindi Thompson

Mindi Thompson

Professor, Counseling Psychology (University of Wisconsin-Madison)