CEO Club Briefing

"It's an App World"

Excerpt from remarks to Boston College’s Chief Executives’ Club of Boston

June 13, 2013


Well, how do we ensure that we stay ahead? Well, there was a tech blogger recently that wrote, “It’s an app world, and the Web just lives in it.” So what does that mean for General Motors?

In order to integrate the smartphone and playbook, and entice, we need to entice all of these codeaholics—that’s what they call themselves—to write apps for our cars. That’s a little bit different than we’ve done before. This is the strategy that I think made Apple and Android such dominant players in their space, and that’s why we’re going to show, and share, our remote and in-vehicle application interfaces with third parties through a new website called

And we’re going to, we have already 2,000 registered users, developing flexible, developing apps in a flexible app framework that will help us keep our technology in our vehicles at a cutting edge for years to come. It’s a different GM than it was a couple of years ago.

By virtue of having this army of coders working to write 4G optimizing programming for our cars, the GM app store may some day be as popular as iTunes and Android—if I could only hope.