
Spring 2017 newsletter

Boston College President William P. Leahy, S.J., Executive Vice President Michael Lochhead, and Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley sent this letter to the University community on January 29, 2017 addressing President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. 

ICS announced the establishment of the Omar A. Aggad Travel and Research Fellowship, which is intended to inspire BC students to expand their understandings of the Arab world, and the relationships between Arab societies and the West. 

In March 2017, Kathleen Bailey will be taking 10 BC students to Kuwait for "Intercultural Dialogue and Diplomacy," a one-credit course supported through the Omar Aggad Fellowship Program to enable students to improve their understanding of Middle Eastern cultures through face-to-face dialogue.

ICS's Distinguished Lecture Series included talks by Stephen Walt, Phyllis Bennis, Shadi Hamid, Kanan Makiya, and Tzvi Langermann. Upcoming speakers include Daniel Byman, Noah Feldman and Douglas Streusand.

The ICS's M.A. program in Middle Eastern Studies welcomed its new class. Click here to apply. 

ICS students Ejona Bakalli, Omeed Alidadi, and Austin Bodetti were awarded Mizna Fellowships to study in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. Enise Koç was awarded a Boren Scholarship to study in Bosnia.

Franck Salameh, published Charles Corm; An Intellectual Biography of a Twentieth-Century Lebanese ‘Young Phoenician’.  The Other Middle East; An Anthology of Modern Levantine Literature will be published shortly.

Jonathan Laurence's forthcoming book is Coping with Defeat: Sunni Islam, Roman Catholicism, and the Modern State. His new article, "Europe risks repeating past mistakes on Islam," was subsequently discussed in the Economist.

Peter Krause is organizing the Northeast Middle East Politics Workshop, which will be held at Boston College on March 31-April 1. His book Rebel Power: Why National Movements Compete, Fight, and Win will be published in April. Pre-order here.  

The NAAIMS conference will be held at Boston College on September 29. The call for papers is listed on the ICS web site. Please visit our web site for information on events.  

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