Graphic of a speech bubble reading "Let's Talk Sleep"

Key Messages

Name It: Acknowledge that stress exists, what is in versus out of your control, and know it can be managed

Plan For It: Monitor your moods, identify your stressors, signs and symptoms, and coping strategies

Reframe It: Be mindful to identify and name negative thinking patterns, and practice positive self-talk to work through challenges


What messages do you receive around caring for your mind? Listen to a variety of perspectives, from experts and peers, and consider how it relates to your experiences. 


Hear from an Expert

"How to Make Stress Your Friend"
Kelly McGonigal

BC Blog: New Niche, Same Stress: School vs. COVID

This is My Brave: Ally 


How do you care for your mind? Engage in these reflective activities to discover what works best for you.



What do you need to do to care for your mind (or body, or soul) and live well? Sign up to meet with a Wellness Coach to reflect on your current wellbeing and set goals that feel achievable to you.

Let's Talk More...

We want to help you find joy in your journey, wherever you’re at. We have many resources within Center for Student Wellness and throughout campus to continue this conversation—we’re here to listen, reflect, and help you set and achieve health goals that feel intuitive, sustainable, and balanced. 

Meet with a Peer Wellness Coach

Engage in a conversation about your health and wellness goals related to caring for your body - in the areas of sleep and general health, body image and exercise, and alcohol and other drugs! 

Visit to schedule your Wellness Coaching session and learn about each type of appointment, or use the links below to sign up directly through google calendar. 

Did You Know?


of BC students rated their stress level as average or less than average


of students use their friends and socializing as a way to help cope with stress


of students use meditation or mindfulness activities to help lower stress levels